Let's build a Campervan

Dual Battery System
Having an auxiliary battery system in your camper is key for a comfortable adventure. We will instal power outlets, USB, lights, entc. All in a system independent of your vehicle battery, so we make sure you are always on the road 😉
Running Water
We can install running water and plumbing in your van, including a waste tank if desired, additionally we can make you a pull-out shower so you can rinse of after any dirty adventures you might have.
Cabinets and Storage
Living in a van will require you to be organized with your belongings. Having storage areas in strategic places inside your camper is crucial ☺️ let us help you with our experience.
Solar Charging System
Our charging systems are made different ways, however a good way to get completely “off-the-grid” is installing solar charging. Like this we can always make sure you have a power source.
Vent windows
Roof vents will add a comfortable campervan experience, specially for hot summer months, we can make sure the van will always stay fresh and comfy.
Back up camera and Audio system
Your van needs to be also functional on the road. If you want cool music in the vehicle and back up camera for bigger vans, we will be happy to install those as well.
You can either bring us your van, where we can work on “packages of the conversion” or just work on a full conversion.
We will also help you decide and choose a van in case you don’t have experience with the vehicles.